Hey, everyone! The 18th episode of Sadler's Selections has arrived, and hoo boy, have I got a treat for you all today. Recently, I took a look at an indie game called Zera: Myths Awaken, which is a 3D platformer in the vein of Spyro the Dragon. I reached out to the lead developer of the game, Cyreides, and I got to interview him! That's right: this episode is a developer interview with Cyreides. This is a first for me and my show, and it's very possible that this is a first for the entirety of WOCR. I hope you guys enjoy the interview, and give Zera the love it deserves. From what I've seen (and played), it's definitely going places. You can download the newest version of Zera: Myths Awaken from Gamejolt and itch.io using the following links: https://gamejolt.com/games/ZeraMA/238357 https://cyreides.itch.io/zerama
If you want to stay up to date with Zera: Myths Awaken, you can subscribe to Cyreides on Youtube and follow him on Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/c/Cyreides/videos https://twitter.com/cyreides I also feel it should be noted that due to a change in setup for the interview, the audio for the interview sounds a bit strange. However, with the help of Professor Pavloski, we were able to make it a more pleasant listening experience. So, if you notice a stark contrast in audio quality from the beginning of the video to the interview, that is why. Well, that's all I've got for now. Until next time, stay positive my friends!